June 2015
Ms. Marcela Gorigoitia
M/s Baziani Underwear, pijamas
Email: marcela@baziani.cl
Tel: 562-28286000
Mr. Alejandro Barreat
M/s Grupo Orinoco
Acevedo 587, Isla de Maipo Latex gloves
Santiago, Chile
Mob.: 56 9 53522263
Mr. Eduardo Casanueva
M/s Inversiones Del Estuario Chile S.A.
Avenida Cristóbal Colon 4152 / 162 Home textiles
Las Condes
Santiago - Chile
E-mail: ecasanueva@delestuario.cl
May 2015
Ms. Barbara Abuauad Patchwork, Pom Pom Swag,
Email: babuauad@yahoo.es leather tassel, Cotton Tassel, Vintage Coins,
Mr. Iosef Gabay Automatic distillers-extractors,
Email: iosef.gabay@yahoo.com oenological Thermometers,
Tel: 56-41-3286049 Mustimeters, oenological
Mob. 569-77767029 Breathalyzers, Equipment for wine analysis. Steam drag.
M/s Fischer Import
Tel.: (56-2) 229850107 Industrial leather gloves
Daniel’s mobile. (56-9) 9240 2772
Rosario’s mobile.: (56-9) 8531 4693
E-mail: daniel@fischerimport.cl
E-mail: rosario@fischerimport.cl
Ms. Angela Cardona
Importadora Sao Paulo Hardware and construction material
Ricardo Serrano
Comercial Ecomotor Ltda. Auto parts and components
Email: ricardoserranop@gmail.com
Mr. Ramón Fam Mancilla
M/s Comercial Huanacu SpA
Av. El Retiro Parque Los Maitenes 1329 Plastic products, paper products,
Pudahuel, Santiago , CP9020000 cardboard products, galvanized steel
Tel: +56 2 27571700
E-mail: rfm@huanacu.com
Ms. Macarena Ruiz Reyes Hair Brush, detergents, manicure
M/s Laboratorio D’Albert Lorenz Ltda. accessories
Tel: 562-26831880
Mr. Orlando Rojas Bernales Polyester textiles
Mob. 569-8 299 56 45 Low density polyethylene, high
Email: arrojas@tie.cl density polyethylene
Mr. Nicolas Mitre
Av. Miguel Claro 836, Apartment 402,
Santiago, Chile Ayurvedic products
Mob. 569-98229611
Tel. 562-23565671
Email: nicolasmitr@gmail.com
Mr. Jaime Fajardo Diver suites
Email: jfajardo@fajardodelacuba.cl
April 2015
Ms. Helga Ortiz
Email: helgaortiz@icloud.com PP Sacks and bags
Mr. Marcos Vidal Castillo
Email: mvidalc1973@gmail.com Shellac lemon
Ms. Carolina Brevis Decoration items,
Email: carolinabrevis@hotmail.com Garments, imitation jewellery
Mr. Luis Rubio Medical items,
Email: luis.rubio@gopharmasolutions.com Natural products, pharmaceuticals
Ms. Carolina Montes Ladies bags, leather belts, imitation
M/s Trade Chile jewellery, garments, leather jackets
Email: md.tradechile@gmail.com
Mr. Fernando Villegas
Drugs Division
M/s Reutter S.A. Pharmaceuticals
Email: fvillegas@reutter.cl
Ms. Karina Codecido
M/s Alinsa Chile Photocopy paper color
Email: Codecido@alinsachile.cl
Mr. Walter Stalder
Email: wastawei@yahoo.es Electric vehicles
Mr. Daniel Orellana hammer bubblers, glass pipes,
Email: purplegrow2014@gmail.com water pipes
Ms. Aileen Scheuch
M/s Daewoo Int’l Corporation
Office Phone: +56 2 2433 93 75 Textiles
Cellphone: +56 9 77652853
Cellphone: +56 9 77652853
E-mail: aileen.scheuch@daewoo.com
Mr. Humberto Diomedi
Cel: 572441752-98452275 Scientific instruments
Email: diomedi.h@gmail.com
January 2013
1. Mr. Raul Cruzat Vergara
M/s Indumet Ltda.
Pedro Aguirre Cerda 5475, Cerrillos
Tel: 562-25576904 / 25571508
Email: raul.cruzat.v@gmail.com
2. Mr. Bernardo Riquelme Vargas
M/s Comercial Embosur S.A.
Tel: 56-41-2508024 Sacks and Bags
Email: briquelme@embosur.cl
3. Mr. Jorge de Geyter A.
M/s Transworld
Tel: 562-27604100 Electric cables
Email: jdegeyter@transworld.cl
4. Ms. Claudia Castillo B. / Mr. Jose Carmona
M/s Combustibles Bioenergy Chile Ltda. Jathropa oil
Email: ccastillo@bioenergychile.cl
Tel: +569-84077316
5 Mr. Gonzalo Grebe
M/s Indumotora
Av. Santa Rosa 537 Cars
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-27141195
Email: gonzalo.grebe@indumotora.cl
6 Ms. Angélica Venegas Medina
M/s Sociedad Comercial Hel-Pau Limitada. Leather belts
Tel: 562-29195041 / 29195042
Email: gerencia.helpau@gmail.com
M/s Sociedad Comercial Hel-Pau Limitada. Leather belts
Tel: 562-29195041 / 29195042
Email: gerencia.helpau@gmail.com
1. Mr. Marcelo Mebus Seafood (clams, pink clam, razor clam,
Email: mmebusictus@gmail.com scallops, etc.)
2. Ms. Monica Halabi D.
Foreign Trade Deptt.,
Fashion Deptt. Manager Home textiles
M/s Holding In Market Group
Belgica 1539, Independencia
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-29273100
Email: mhalabid@inmarket.cl
3. Ms. Viviana Figueroa A.
Deputy Manager
M/s Comercial Tkas de Ghosh Ltda. Textiles
Mobile: 569-83403805
Email: viviana.figueroa@circutex.cl
4. Ms. Paulina Quezada Santo
Senior Buyer
M/s Walmart Chile Garments
Av. Eduardo Frei Montalva 8301, Quilicura
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-22005054
Email: pquezada@walmartchile.cl
5. Mr. Eduardo Diaz Biggs
Assistant Water purifiers, reverse osmosis
M/s Aguamarket y Cia. Ltda. Equipments, water dispensers,
electric generators, air compressors,
Email: proveedores@aguamarket.com pneumatic pumps, etc.
Tel: 562-22350857 / Fax: 562-23468714
6. Mr. Sebastian Montes Mac-Clure
M/s Millantu Ltda.
Cashew nuts
Tel: 56-71-615465
Fax: 56-71-615466
Email: smontes@millantu.cl
7. Mr. Gino Gabrielli
M/s Cuñado Intercontinental S.A.
Juan de la Fuente 334 – B, Lampa Hot roller plates
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562- 27471147
Mobile: 569-93241013
Email: ggabrielli@cunado.cl
8. Mr. Francisco Saez
General Manager
M/s Fasco Ltda. Ferro Alloys
Tel: 562-22317313
Mobile: 569-91788664
Email: fasco@terra.cl
9. Mr. Jose M. Barros
M/s Arauco Export of plywood and MDF trupan
Tel: 562-24617202 to India
Email: jbarros@arauco.cl
10. Ms. Paola Rosas / Ms. Claudia Pastenes
M/s Arraro Safety garments, Safety articles
Email: paola@arraro.com
11. Mr. Felipe Puga B.
M/s MR Marketing Promocional S.A.
Austria 2066, Providencia
Santiago, Chile Towels
Tel: 562-25864343
Mobile: 569-96097145
Email: felipepuga@mrmarketing.cl
12. Mr. Guillermo Olea Opazo
In Charge of Imports
National Supplies Centre,
Ministry of Health
Jose Domingo Canas 2681, Nunoa Pharmaceuticals
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-25748288
Email: golea@cenabast.cl
13. Mr. Nicolás Zalaquett Textiles, furnitures, cosmetics
14. Mr. Carlos Gonzalez
M/s Charlin Cotton yarn
Email: Gonzalez@charlin.cl
15. Mr. Rodrigo Rabi Galvan
M/s Alondra Chile
Mobile : 569-75035893 Hair brush, natural Spa products,
Email: rrabi@alondrachile.cl hairdressing accessories
16. Mr. Jose Eduardo Iturriaga
M/s IP Importaciones Industrial leather gloves
Email: importacionip@gmail.com
17. Mr. Enrique Musso Oyarzun
Email: emusso@ica.cl Industrial Valves
18. Mr. Patricio Echenique V.
M/s Veco Ltda.
Pedro de Villagra 2545, Vitacura Chemical supplies for the
Santiago, Chile mining industry
Tel: 562-22073918
Email: pechenique@veco.cl
19. Mr. Eduardo Vera Lastra Electric household appliances,
Tel: 569-65924751 Furnitures, Trucks for the
Email: everalastra@sartfair.com mining area
20. Mr. Luis Rivera C.
M/s Cotaco Ltda. Polymers for water and wastewater
Email: lrivera@cotaco.cl
21. Mr. Cristian Anguita Villagran
Deputy Manager (Services)
M/s Diexa S.A.
Av. El Parque 4161, Ofc. 501-502 Explosives for the mining industry
Ciudad Empresarial Huechuraba
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-27280004
Mobile: 569-66582857
Email: anguita_cristian@diexa.cl
22. Ms. Daniela Laplechade G.
M/s Globalmarket Enterprise S.A.
Santiago, Chile Coolers, plastic items
Tel: 562-23650295
Email: dlaplechade@globalmarket.cl
23. Mr. Hernan Aguilera
M/s Anasac Veterinary pharmaceutical products
Email: haguilera@anasac.cl
24. Mr. Alfonso Arratia Kuhlmann
Manager (Com)
M/s Arkutec Ltda. Industrial leather gloves
Tel: 562-28422530
Mobile: 569-84316731
Email: aarratia@arkutec.cl
25. Mr. Patricio Sanzana
M/s Deco Bambu
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-29431504 Incense, handicrafts
Mobile: 569 88031382
Email: patricio.sanzana79@gmail.com
26. Mr. Victor Ponce
Mobile: 569 87408436
Email: agrovicponce@hotmail.com Tablets and accessories
27. Mr. Phillip Foster Yver
CEO Pharmaceuticals
M/s Chilean Indo Trading Company
Email: pfoster@citcochile.cl
28. Mr. Mauricio Oro
M/s Tintcomp
Arlegui 133, Printer toners and ink
Vina del Mar, Chile
Tel: 56-32-2978785
Email: tincom@tie.cl
29. Ms. Maria Teresa Henriquez
Purchases Deptt
M/s Ferreteria Industrial S.A. Hardware items
San Alfonso 533
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-26804330
Email: mtgatica@fertec.cl
30. Mr. Victor Figueroa
Email: vijofic@yahoo.es Tyre patches
31. Mr. Jose Miguel Giglio Import and export of
Email: jmgiglio@gmail.com various items
32. Ms. Luz Eliana Calfullan
Manager (Purchases)
M/s Max Service Industrial leather gloves,
Av. Volcan Tronador 420, Lo Boza safety garments & shoes
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-2616802
Mobile: 569-82332236
33. Mr. Ernesto Cortez Ulbrich
Chief (Food and Beverages)
M/s Importadora y Distribuidora Santiago S.A.
Av. Mexico 1199, Recoleta
Santiago, Chile Instant coffee
Tel: 562-25960000, Ext. No. 632
Mobile: 569-86289416
Email: ecortez@ids.cl
34. Ms. Gisela Quililongo A.
Tabancura 1091, Local 10
Vitacura, Santiago – Chile Tiger Balm
Mobile: 569-97317380
Email: apiterapia@live.com
35. Mr. Carlos Flais
M/s Sociedad Intercomercial Ltda.
Calle Larga 74, El Bosque
Santiago, Chile Jeans, denim fabrics
Tel: 562-25291195
Mobile: 569-92313240
Email: ventas@intercomercial.cl
36. Ms. Ivonne Pino
M/s Dimseg Ltda. Industrial leather gloves,
Santiago, Chile disposable industrial garments,
Mobile: 569-91009110 industrial glasses, etc.
Email: dimsegltda@gmail.com
37. Ms. Lisselotte Ormeño
M/s Lab. D’Albert Lorenz Ltda. Cosmetics, hair products
Tel: 562-26831880 / 26831532
38. Mr. Cristian Castro
Mobile: 569-5360578 Tea
Email: ceco2412@gmail.com
39. Mr. Ivan Rivera
M/s MG & T
Francisco Gana 650
Rancagua, Chile Industrial/safety leather garments
Tel: 56-72-641772
Mobile: 569-62275742
Email: ivan.rivera@mgytsa.cl
40. Mr. Enrique Saul
M/s Bamberg Chile
Badajoz 100, Ofc. 616, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile PP Woven fabrics
Tel: 562-22018259
Mobile: 569-74981655
Email: Enrique.saul@gmail.com
41. Ms. Mireya Ferrada Parada
Email: ferrada 351@gmail.com Bed linen
42. Mr. Sergio R. Valenzuela
M/s Comercial Embosur S.A.
Tel: + 56 41 2508014 Safety Matches
Mobile: + 56 9 98378437
EMail: svalenzuela@embosur.cl
43. Mr. Carlos A. Bustamante
M/s Exportadora Valle del Sol S.A.
Santiago, Chile Export of fruits, wines, seafood
Mobile: 569-84797541 dried vegetables, etc. to India.
Email: carlos@vdsexport.cl
44. Ms. Daniela Bustamante
Santiago, Chile Earrings, scarves, bengals.
Email: dani.bustamante.p@gmail.com
45. Mr. Marcelo Insunza A.
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-27583677 Pharmaceuticals
Mobile: 569-98229612 / 73888048
46. Ms. Gabriela Etchepare
General Manager
M/s Charlin Garments
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-22226201 / 26341773
Email: Etchepare@charlin.cl
47. Mr. Gonzalo Duarte
M/s Ingenieria 21
Ebro 2869, Depto. 1402, Las Condes Metal structures
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-28979148
48. Ms. Maria Stella Giovanetti
M/s Pinturas Ceresita S.A.
Gabriel Palma 820, Recoleta Chemical raw materials
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-25849209
Email: mgiovanetti@ceresita.cl
49. Ms. Ximena Orellana
M/s Valyval / Hidroval
Santiago, Chile Industrial valves
Tel: 562-27771377
Email: comex@valyval.com
50. Mr. Alejandro Diaz
Email: rover500@hotmail.com Leather articles
51. Ms. Paola Alvarado
Email: roxarriagada@hotmail.com Garments
52. Mr. Luis Urzua
Email: luisurz@yahoo.com Export of wood and wines to India
53. Ms. Begona Diaz
M/s Ferraresi Milano
Email: bd@ferraresimilano.com Imitation jewellery
54. Ms. Myriam Moreno
M/s Baterias Palmher Ltda. Titanium scrap
Mobile: 569-93548108
Email: bateriaspalmher@hotmail.com
55. Ms. Lorena Donoso Ibanez
M/s Garcia Irusta y Cia. Ltda..
Santiago, Chile Buffalo Leather
Tel: 56-32-2520484 / 2520485
Email: garciairusta@garciairusta.cl
56. Ms. Marycarmen Hernandez Stainless Steel structures
M/s Estructuras Arquetipo Ltda. Aluminium hardware,
Santiago, Chile Aluminium profiles.
Phone: 562-26832383
Email: estructuras@arquetipo.cl
57. Mr. Manuel Ruiz G.
M/s Productos Manolito Machinery for the food and baking
Santiago, Chile industry
Email: mnruiz.a@gmail.com
58. Mr. Claudio Brain
Sales Manager
M/s Chilefish S.A.
Av. Del Valle 945, Ofc. 5611, Huechuraba Export of fresh fish and seafood to
Santiago, Chile India
Tel: 562-25701443
Mobile: 569-99986424
59. Mr. Fredy Vasquez
M/s Hidromass
Santiago, Chile Oil hydraulic components
Email: hidromass@hidromass.tie.cl
Tel: 562-27733758
60. Mr. Carlos Camus
M/s Itu Accessorios
Vitacura 3568, Ofc. 1202
Santiago, Chile Scarves, imitation jewellery
Mobile: 569-92700737
61. M/s La Rumba Ltda.
Contact person: Ms. Javiera Girón Bórquez
Manager (Com) Apparels, home accessories
Address: Av. Zapadores 0450, Recoleta
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-22621543 / 569-84491428
62. M/s Gemetek S.A.
Mr. Fernando Miranda Farah Neem Oil
Tel: 562-26680070 / 569-90011483
63. M/s Correa Gubbins
Contact person: Ms. Cecile Rocher
Address: Apoquindo 3500, Piso 11
Las Condes Tyres
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-25910100
64. M/s Coral
Contact person: Mr. Claudio Bustamante
Address: Av. Francisco Bilbao 1414,
Providencia Printers, dot matrix,
Santiago, Chile toners, ink, blackberries, etc.
Tel: 562-22040420
Email: vendedor1@coral.cl
65. Ms. Cristy Morales Moringa, essential oils,
Email: mcristy.morales@gmail.com menthol
66. Mr. Eduardo Abarca
Email: abarca.eduardo@yahoo.es Seeds, moringa
67. Mr. Pablo Colinas Espina
M/s GeoBlast S.A. Geotechnics monitoring
Email: pcolinas@geoblast.cl
Mobile: 569-95349965
68. Mr. Denin Tambutti G.
M/s E-Project Group
Av. Pedro de Valdivia 049, Ofc. 302 Handicrafts, garments,
Providencia accessories, shawls
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-23338759
Mobile: 569-97315302
Email: dtambutti@e-projectgroup.cl
60. Ms. Ivonne M. Soto Viera
M/s Ecsa Comercial Ltda. Steel ball mills for the
Rancagua, Chile mining industry
Tel: 56-72-245888 / 238506
Email: ventas@grupoecsa.cl
61. Mr. Juan Pablo Castillo Barbosa
M/s Combustibles Bioenergy Chile Vegetable oils: jathropa,
Mobile: 569-61936374 / 67651754 castor oil
Email: jpcastillob@gmail.com
62. Ms. Eugenia Zuniga P. Food supplements, herbal
Email: eugezuniga@gmail.com teas, natural complementary
63. Ms. Carolina Catipillan
M/s Codelco Chile
Santiago, Chile Machinery, equipments and
Email: ccatipil@codelco.cl consumables for the mining
Tel: 562-23922099 industry
Mobile: 569-9779850
64. Ms. Mercedes Solis Marin
M/s Fontanet
Email: msolis@fontanet.cl Leather items
Tel: 562-27708721
Mobile: 569-95794883
65. Mr. Eduardo Quinlan Carey
M/s Unysoft Software
Email: gerencia@unysoft.cl
Tel: 562-22331302 / 22341774
Fax: 562-22343635
66. Mr. Rene Castillo S.
M/s Asesores Comex Export of waste and scrap
Mobile: 569-97511993 of various metals
Email: reneca12@gmail.com
67. Mr. Ernesto Angles Orlandini
M/s Soluciones de Servicio On Site
Williams Rebolledo 1799, Nunoa Tableware, kitchenware,
Santiago, Chile kitchen equipments
Tel: 562- 28100114
Mobile: 569-79891399
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